ProX Racing Parts is mainly specialized in high quality internal engine components such as pistons, connecting rods, crankshafts and valves. However, ProX Racing Parts is continuously expanding its range and therefore investing in other technical components regarding the various powersports applications that one can find also outside an engine. Including the latest additions ProX Racing Parts stocks well over 8.000 part numbers divided over more than 60 different product groups.
All parts are manufactured to highest quality standards at “state of the art” manufacturing facilities around the world. These manufacturing factories include reputable businesses that manufacture OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) parts for leading motorcycle brands world wide. With the experience and long established relationships ProX Racing Parts is therefore always able to select the best manufacturer to meet or exceed high level requirements regarding technical specifications and market.
Mongoose carries all Pro-X piston kits, gasket kits, cam chains, valve kits, clutch packs, connecting rods, and much more. If you need something specific for your bike we can most likely bring this in for you! Get in touch so we can place it on order.